Sweet Summertime! Five Ways to Freshen Your Home for Summer

Date: June 28, 2017

Warm breezes, long hours of sunlight and endless outdoor fun; yes, it is sweet summertime! You don’t have to be outside sweating in the heat to experience the warmth of the summer season. You can bring summer’s fresh feel inside!

Here are five ways to brighten your home décor with some of summer’s sweetness:

1. Let the Natural Light Inside

Whether you’re indoors or outside, you can enjoy summer’s longer hours of daylight. An easy way to brighten your home for the summer is to simply pull back the curtains and pull up the blinds! Let the summer sun shine into your home and you may be amazed at the fresh way you’re able to see your usual décor.

2. Switch up the View

In winter, it is natural to want to congregate around a warm fireplace. During the summer, you can take the focus from cozy to cool by rearranging your furniture. Instead of highlighting the fireplace that you’re likely not using for a few months, center your furniture around a picturesque window. While you’re at it, swap out your typical accent pillows for some brighter, summer patterns.

3. Make Your Home Scent-sational

Who doesn’t love filling their homes with the sweet scents of pumpkin spice or gingerbread in fall and winter? Don’t let those seasonal reminders escape you in summer. Maybe you’re planning a trip to the beach this summer. Maybe you’re not. Either way, you can bring a little bit of the beach into your home by adding a few ocean-inspired candles or wall plugs. Can’t you almost hear those waves gently crashing already?

4. Add Summer Artwork

You don’t have to have year-round “standard” décor in your home. Maybe there are a few family photos that you wouldn’t want to replace or move around, but each season brings a new opportunity to freshen other wall art at home. Bright floral designs or beachy prints may add the perfect splash of summer to your wall spaces. So, stow away your usual artwork and brighten your home with some fresh summer scenes!

5. Garnish from the Garden

Perhaps the easiest and most-available way to bring summer into your home is to do exactly that – pick fresh flowers from your garden or find a group of wildflowers to give your home that natural summer appeal. You’ll be covering the sights and scents of summer at once. Want to add some of summer’s sweet tastes, too? Go ahead! Don’t be afraid to showcase your garden-growing skills if you’ve got them! Nothing says summer like seeing fresh berries or cherries and plump tomatoes, cucumbers or other great things from the garden.

When you’re feeling like it is too hot to be outside this summer, let your home be a stylish reminder of the sweet season. Capitalize on the scents, sights and tastes of summer to freshen your home!